The Next Generation of Authentication
Less Hassle for Millions of Users
Imagine a world where the second authentication factor is neither a six digit (or even eight digit) code you need to wait for, or a biometric, or some secret knowledge. And what about next year’s escalation? It’s only going to get worse.
Unless the real, actual, unique, you is automatically the second factor.
Meet Our Founder
Gerald Sindell envisioned an authentication system that would use intelligence to create a new architecture in the world of authentication — reducing the threat that every person and every institution faces while at the same time reducing the constant hassle of two and increasingly three-factor authentication.
Sindell is a member of the Systems Dynamics Society whose most recent paper on the Identity Dynamics Institute enterprise operating system was accepted for the 2024 global conference. He developed breakthrough systems in the creation and projection of 3D motion pictures. For Accenture, he created training programs, Simplementation, which for the first time created living and dynamic 3D environments that changed as the user’s answers shaped them, as well as being shaped by the culture and history of the organizational itself. The Simplementation breakthroughs were so significant that Sindell was invited to present his system at the National Defense University to several hundred IT leaders drawn from virtually every division of the U.S. government, including each of the military service branches, and the known and secret intelligence services.
Prior to Sindell’s being granted a patent for the Aligned Trust universal authentication system, his system had already been vetted by most of the global leading edge thinkers in the authentication space, and Sindell has been invited to disclose certain aspects of the Aligned Trust system to the members of the Financial Services Roundtable, whose members include the IT leaders of the top 100 largest financial services organizations in the United States.

Gerald Sindell
Inventor and CEO